Selasa, 07 September 2010

Rapor bulan kedua

Ini hasil rapot dibulan kedua kakak dan adek di John & Janet. Ibu kutif saja ya dari communication booklet yang ditulis Ms Martha:

Ambar is more confident in class. She can repeat English words, and tries to sing English song louder. Ambar is independent in class and tries to finish her works by herself. Good jobs AmbarJ

Laras is more confident and independent in class now. She begins to move her body when singing with frindes and follow teacher’s movements. Laras tries to eat better and finish her food. Good job LarasJ

Ibu bacain rapot mereka selalu didepan mereka dan selalu bilang good job Ambar dan Laras dengan jempol yang bu tujukan ke mereka. Ibu percaya mereka tau ibu dan ayahnya bangga dengan hasil sekolah mereka.

Well, I am very happy to read and know their improvement in the class, so proud of u my twin!

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